Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mom and Dad!

Barb and Tim
I was honored to take pictures of two of the favorite people in my life, my mom and dad! Hope you enjoy! I love their expressions in the last picture. It really gives you an idea of the fantastic relationship they have had together for the past 35 years! I love you guys!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What To Wear: Families

The Basics for Families
So, you've booked your session! Now comes the hard part...and the age old question: "What should I wear?!?" There are a lot of amazing resources out there that can help settle your nerves, make getting ready for your photo shoot a little less stressful, and help your find something that will suit everyone's taste! I will share a few of my favorite places to find outfit inspiration, but first here are some of the basics for prepping and looking your best!
1. Be comfortable!
First and for most wear and bring clothes in which you are comfortable! Our end results will be better if everyone is relaxed and having fun-- You don't want to be spending the entire time tugging at, pulling on, or adjusting clothing.
2. Coordinate, but don't be matchy
Think in threes. One base color and two accents! Nice base colors would be mostly neutrals, such as black, white, gray, khaki, etc.
3. Try bold colors for your accents
Think teal, yellow, purple, or even fuschia. Try scarves, shoes, hair flowers, ties, etc.
4. Stay true to your families style
With all of the fabulous photos and inspirations boards out there it is easy to be overwhelmed with choices. It also makes it tempting to go out and spend money for cute, new, coordinating outfits, but before you do raid your closets! Remember rule one? Be comfortable! Stick with your tried and true favorite outfits!

Favorite What To Wear Inspiration Spots

Melissa Sue Photography Blog

Kristen Duke Photography

Click It Up A Notch

Monday, December 10, 2012

Dawn and Sadie Class of 2013

 I had a fantastic day with two of the loveliest ladies around, Dawn and Sadie. Needless to say- there were clothes everywhere! We had such a fun afternoon I'm glad I got to be a part of their senior year experience.

Friday, December 7, 2012

The words of a fortune cookie!

Here we go again! This time my mind is made up! A lot has been going on in my life since I last posted- I've moved twice, attended a friend's wedding, enjoyed watching a season of roller derby, hosted a few parties, decorated the new apartment, helped a friend with a Halloween party, had surgery, crafted, started a Project Life scrapbook, fallen behind on Project Life, and taken pictures...lots of pictures!I have photographed an engaged couple, my parents, babies, dogs, a set of high school seniors, and expecting mothers! I have read and reread my camera manual and started paying attention to what my camera is saying...it helps I tell ya! It has become so much fun and each shoot brings something different- a fussy baby, overcast skies, too bright sun, impatient/distracted dogs, light glares, and couples in love. I love the challenge of adjusting myself, my client, or my camera to get the look I want to achieve. People are beginning to respond to my work and I couldn't be more proud! But, if I'm honest about what finally set me to it were the words of a fortune cookie, "A new endeavor will succeed." Now, I'm not one to think a slip of paper baked into a fold of crispy, deliciousness can really tell what lies ahead, but it made me smile and think to myself, "Why couldn't it succeed? Hey! Why couldn't I succeed?!? This is something I love! I should just go for it!" So, at the start of this endeavor I am set to believe what lies ahead is: lots of hard work, lots of time behind the lens, lots of wonderful people to meet, lots of fun times, lots of relying on family and friends and lots of lessons to learn!